Where did Emily Henry go to college?

Where did Emily Henry go to college

In this article, we will explore the question: Where did Emily Henry go to college? And how did her college education help her become a bestselling author?

Name College Attended Degree(s) Earned Field of Study/Major Graduation Year
Emily Henry Hope College Bachelor of Arts Creative Writing 2012

Educational Journey

Emily Henry attended Hope College, a private liberal arts college in Holland, Michigan. She received a creative writing scholarship to attend Hope College, where she planned to study dance as well. However, she soon realized that writing was her true passion and decided to focus on it. She majored in creative writing and took courses in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and screenwriting. She also participated in workshops, readings, and literary events on campus.

Emily Henry was an outstanding student who graduated with honors in 2012. She won several awards for her writing, including the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Stephen Hesselink Prize. She also completed a writing residency at the New York Center for Art & Media Studies (NYCAMS), a program affiliated with Bethel University. There, she had the chance to work on her own projects, attend lectures and seminars, visit museums and galleries, and meet other writers and artists.

Emily Henry credits her college education for giving her the foundation and confidence to pursue writing as a career. She says that her professors were supportive and encouraging, and that they taught her how to craft stories that resonate with readers. She also says that her classmates were talented and inspiring, and that they gave her constructive feedback and motivation. She says that her college experience was “invaluable” and “life-changing” for her as a writer.

Early Life and Background

Emily Henry was born in the United States in 1990. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she attended high school. She says that she has always loved reading and writing since she was a child. She says that she was influenced by authors such as J.K. Rowling, Roald Dahl, Judy Blume, John Green, Rainbow Rowell, and Jane Austen. She says that she wrote her first novel when she was 12 years old, but it was “terrible” and “never saw the light of day”.

Emily Henry says that she also had a passion for dance when she was younger. She says that she took ballet classes for 15 years and performed in several shows. She says that dance taught her discipline, creativity, and expression. She says that dance also helped her cope with anxiety and depression, which she struggled with during her adolescence.

Post-College Journey

After graduating from college, Emily Henry moved back to Cincinnati, where she worked as a proofreader for a publishing company. She also continued to write on the side, hoping to publish her own books someday. She says that she faced many rejections and challenges along the way, but she never gave up on her dream.

In 2016, Emily Henry published her debut novel, The Love That Split the World, a young adult fantasy romance that received critical acclaim and positive reviews. She followed it up with two more young adult novels: A Million Junes in 2017 and When the Sky Fell on Splendor in 2019. She also co-wrote Hello Girls with Brittany Cavallaro in 2019.

In 2020, Emily Henry switched gears and published her first adult romance novel: Beach Read. The book was an instant hit that reached #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and sold over a million copies worldwide. It was praised for its humor, emotion, chemistry, and metafictional elements. It was also optioned for a film adaptation by 20th Century Studios.

Emily Henry continued to write more adult romance novels: People We Meet on Vacation in 2021; Book Lovers in 2022; and Happy Place in 2023. All of these books were also bestsellers that received rave reviews and fan love. They were also optioned for film adaptations by different studios.

As of March 2023, Emily Henry had sold more than 2.4 million books collectively. She was regarded as one of the most popular and influential romance authors of her generation. She was featured in various media outlets, such as BuzzFeed, O, The Oprah Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, The New York Times, The Skimm, and Shondaland. She was also the recipient of several awards, such as the Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Romance in 2021 and 2022.

Impact and Significance

Emily Henry’s college education had a significant impact on her writing career. She says that her college education taught her how to write well, how to read critically, how to research effectively, and how to communicate clearly. She says that her college education also exposed her to different genres, styles, forms, and perspectives of writing. She says that her college education helped her develop her own voice and vision as a writer.

Emily Henry’s college education also gave her credibility and recognition in her field. She says that her college education helped her stand out from other writers and attract the attention of agents, editors, publishers, and readers. She says that her college education also gave her a network of contacts and mentors who supported and guided her throughout her career.

Emily Henry’s college education is widely respected and admired in her field. She is often praised for her skillful, original, and engaging writing that appeals to a wide range of audiences. She is also commended for her versatility, diversity, and innovation in writing across different genres and formats. She is considered as a role model and inspiration for many aspiring writers who want to follow in her footsteps.

Interesting Anecdotes

Emily Henry has shared some interesting anecdotes from her college years that reveal more about her personality and experiences as a writer. Here are some examples:

  • Emily Henry says that she once wrote a poem about a boy she liked in college, but she accidentally sent it to him instead of her friend. She says that it was “the most embarrassing moment of [her] life” and that she never spoke to him again.
  • Emily Henry says that she once took a screenwriting class in college where she had to pitch a movie idea to the class. She says that she pitched a romantic comedy about two rival book reviewers who fall in love while reviewing each other’s books. She says that the class loved it and that it was the seed for her novel Beach Read.
  • Emily Henry says that she once met one of her favorite authors, John Green, at a book signing event in college. She says that she was so nervous and starstruck that she could barely speak to him. She says that he was very kind and gracious and that he signed her copy of The Fault in Our Stars with the words “To Emily, who writes beautiful stories”.

Relevance to Today’s Students

Emily Henry’s college journey is relevant and relatable to today’s students who are interested in pursuing writing as a career or hobby. Her college journey shows that writing is a rewarding but challenging endeavor that requires passion, dedication, and perseverance. Her college journey also shows that writing is a learning process that involves constant improvement, feedback, and experimentation. Her college journey also shows that writing is a collaborative process that benefits from the support, guidance, and inspiration of others.

Today’s students can learn from Emily Henry’s college journey by following some of her tips and advice:

  • Choose a college or university that suits your interests, goals, and needs.
  • Major or minor in creative writing or a related field if possible.
  • Take advantage of the courses, workshops, events, and resources offered by your college or university.
  • Seek out professors, mentors, peers, and alumni who can help you grow as a writer.
  • Read widely and diversely across different genres, styles, forms, and authors.
  • Write regularly and consistently on topics that you care about or are curious about.
  • Share your work with others and be open to constructive criticism and feedback.
  • Submit your work to contests, magazines, journals, blogs, or websites.
  • Network with other writers online or offline through social media, forums, groups, or clubs.
  • Keep learning new skills, techniques, tools, and trends in writing.
  • Be resilient and persistent in the face of rejections and challenges.
  • Celebrate your achievements and enjoy your journey.


In conclusion, Emily Henry is a bestselling author who has written several romance and young adult novels. She attended Hope College where she majored in creative writing and graduated with honors in 2012. Her college education gave her the foundation, confidence, recognition, and network to pursue writing as a career. Her college education also influenced her writing style, genre choice, content creation, and audience engagement. Her college education is widely respected and admired in her field. Her college education