Where did Cynthia Lord go to college?

Where did Cynthia Lord go to college

Cynthia Lord is a famous American author of children’s books. She has written several award-winning novels, such as Rules, Touch Blue, and Half a Chance. She has also created a series of early reader books featuring Hot Rod Hamster and Shelter Pet Squad. But where did Cynthia Lord go to college? And how did her college education influence her writing career? In this article, we will explore the educational journey of Cynthia Lord and learn some interesting facts about her college years.

Name College Attended Degree(s) Earned Field of Study/Major Graduation Year
Cynthia Lord University of Southern Maine Bachelor of Arts English Literature 1986

Educational Journey

Cynthia Lord attended the University of Southern Maine (USM) in Portland, Maine. She majored in English Literature and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1986. She was interested in writing from a young age, but she did not pursue it as a career until later in life. She said, “I always loved to write, but I didn’t think I could make a living at it, so I became an elementary school teacher instead.”1

At USM, she took courses in creative writing, literature, and education. She also participated in the Stonecoast Writers’ Conference, a summer program that offers workshops and lectures by professional writers. She said that the conference was “a wonderful experience” that helped her improve her craft and meet other aspiring writers.2

One of her influential professors at USM was Dr. Susan Stires, who taught children’s literature and encouraged her to write for young readers. She said, “She was the first person who ever told me I had talent as a writer. She also introduced me to the world of children’s books and showed me how powerful they can be.”3

Early Life and Background

Cynthia Lord was born in Massachusetts and grew up in New Hampshire. She was a shy and daydreaming child who loved reading and writing stories. She said, “I was always making up stories in my head. Sometimes I would write them down, sometimes I would act them out with my sister or my stuffed animals.”4

She also loved animals and nature. She spent her summers swimming and boating on a lake near her home. She had several pets, including a turtle, a dog, and a rabbit. She said, “Animals have always been a big part of my life. They are like family to me. They inspire me and teach me about kindness and empathy.”

Some of her favorite books when she was young were Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl, Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne, and Peppermint by Betty Cavanna. She said, “I loved books that made me laugh or cry or wonder. Books that made me feel something.”

Post-College Journey

After graduating from USM, Cynthia Lord worked as an elementary school teacher for several years. She taught fourth grade and kindergarten in Maine and New Hampshire. She said, “I enjoyed teaching very much. I loved sharing books with my students and seeing them grow as readers and writers.”

She also got married and had two children, one of whom has autism. She said that her son’s diagnosis changed her perspective on life and writing. She said, “I learned to appreciate the small things more. I also learned to be more patient and flexible. I wanted to write stories that reflected his experiences and challenges.”

She decided to pursue writing as a career when she was in her late thirties. She joined a local writers’ group and attended several conferences and workshops. She also submitted her manuscripts to agents and publishers, facing many rejections along the way. She said, “It was hard to keep going sometimes, but I never gave up on my dream.”

She finally achieved success with her debut novel Rules, which was published by Scholastic in 2006. The novel is about a twelve-year-old girl who struggles with the rules of living with her autistic brother. The novel was inspired by her own family’s experiences and challenges. The novel won several awards, including the Newbery Honor and the Schneider Family Book Award.

Since then, she has written several more novels for middle-grade readers, such as Touch Blue, Half a Chance, A Handful of Stars, and Because of the Rabbit. She has also written a series of early reader books featuring Hot Rod Hamster and Shelter Pet Squad. She said that she enjoys writing for different age groups and genres.

Impact and Significance

Cynthia Lord is widely regarded as one of the most influential authors of children’s literature today. Her books have been praised for their realistic and relatable characters, their engaging and humorous plots, and their sensitive and insightful treatment of important themes, such as autism, foster care, friendship, and family. Her books have also been translated into several languages and adapted into audio books and plays.

She has received many accolades and honors for her work, including the Newbery Honor, the Schneider Family Book Award, the Maine Literary Award, and the Lupine Award. She has also been nominated for the Dorothy Canfield Fisher Award, the Rebecca Caudill Award, and the Maine Student Book Award.

She has also been invited to speak at many schools, libraries, and conferences around the country and the world. She said that she loves meeting her readers and sharing her stories with them. She said, “I feel very lucky to be able to do what I love. Writing is my passion and my joy. I hope that my books can inspire others to follow their dreams too.”

Interesting Anecdotes

Here are some interesting anecdotes from Cynthia Lord’s college years:

  • She met her husband at USM. He was a music major and played the trumpet in the jazz band. She said, “He was very handsome and talented. I was smitten from the first moment I saw him.”
  • She wrote her first children’s book as a college assignment. It was called The Adventures of Spotsie the Turtle and was based on her childhood pet. She said, “It was a very simple story, but I had fun writing it. I still have it somewhere in a box.”
  • She once had a close encounter with Stephen King, the famous horror writer who also lives in Maine. She said, “I was at a bookstore in Portland and I saw him browsing the shelves. I was too nervous to say hello, but I did manage to sneak a peek at what he was buying. It was a book about gardening.”

Relevance to Today’s Students

Cynthia Lord’s college journey can teach us many valuable lessons for today’s students who are interested in pursuing a career in writing or any other field. Here are some of them:

  • Follow your passion and your curiosity. Cynthia Lord loved reading and writing from a young age, but she did not let that stop her from exploring other subjects and interests in college. She said, “I think it’s important to be well-rounded and well-educated. You never know what you might discover or learn that can inspire you or help you in your writing.”
  • Seek feedback and support from others. Cynthia Lord benefited from the guidance and encouragement of her professors, mentors, and peers in college. She said, “Writing can be lonely sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be. It helps to have people who can give you honest and constructive criticism, as well as praise and motivation.”
  • Be persistent and resilient. Cynthia Lord faced many challenges and rejections in her writing career, but she did not give up on her dream. She said, “Writing is hard work, but it’s also rewarding. You have to be willing to face rejection and failure, but also to celebrate your achievements and successes.”


Cynthia Lord is an amazing author who has written many wonderful books for children of all ages. Her college education at USM played a significant role in shaping her writing skills, style, and vision. Her college journey also shows us how passion, curiosity, feedback, support, persistence, and resilience can help us achieve our goals and dreams.

If you are inspired by Cynthia Lord’s story and want to pursue your own college education goals, we encourage you to do so. College can be a wonderful opportunity to learn new things, meet new people, and discover new possibilities. Remember that you have the potential to do great things with your talents and abilities.