Where did Chandler and Ross go to college?

Where did Chandler and Ross go to college

If you are a fan of the popular sitcom Friends, you might be curious about the educational backgrounds of the six main characters. In this article, we will focus on two of them: Chandler Bing and Ross Geller. These two were best friends since college and shared many hilarious and memorable moments on the show. But where did they go to college and what did they study? Let’s find out!

Name College Attended Degree(s) Earned Field of Study/Major Graduation Year
Chandler Bing University of Iowa Bachelor of Arts Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration 1988
Ross Geller University of Iowa (undergraduate) Columbia University (graduate) Bachelor of Science Ph.D. Paleontology 1988 (undergraduate) 1991 (graduate)

Educational Journey

Chandler and Ross first met at the University of Iowa, where they were roommates. They both graduated in 1988 with different degrees. Chandler earned a Bachelor of Arts in Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration, a major that he later regretted choosing. He once said that he only picked it because it sounded hard. Ross, on the other hand, earned a Bachelor of Science in Paleontology, a field that he had been passionate about since childhood. He loved dinosaurs and fossils and wanted to become a professor someday.

After graduating from the University of Iowa, Chandler moved to New York City and got a job as a data processor at a large corporation. He hated his job and often complained about it to his friends. He eventually quit his job and pursued a career in advertising, where he found more satisfaction and creativity. Ross also moved to New York City and continued his education at Columbia University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He earned his Ph.D. in Paleontology in 1991 and became a professor at New York University.

During their college years, Chandler and Ross had some notable achievements, awards, or milestones. Chandler was the president of the chess club and won several tournaments. He also had a brief fling with one of his professors. Ross was a brilliant student who received several scholarships and fellowships for his research. He also published some papers in academic journals. However, he also had some embarrassing moments, such as getting caught dancing in his underwear by his roommate or having a nervous breakdown during his dissertation defense.

Chandler and Ross also had some influential professors or mentors during their college years. Chandler was inspired by Professor Heston, who taught him how to use humor as a coping mechanism. Ross was mentored by Professor Whitman, who encouraged him to pursue his passion for paleontology. They also participated in some extracurricular activities, societies, or clubs that reflected their interests or personalities. Chandler joined the chess club, the drama club, and the improv group. Ross joined the paleontology club, the science club, and the band.

Early Life and Background

Chandler and Ross had different upbringings that influenced their later success or interest in their field. Chandler grew up in a dysfunctional family with divorced parents who constantly fought with each other. His father was a cross-dressing Las Vegas star and his mother was a famous erotic novelist. He developed a sarcastic sense of humor as a way to deal with his family problems. He also had low self-esteem and trust issues that affected his relationships with women. He was bullied at school for being nerdy and unpopular.

Ross grew up in a wealthy and stable family with loving parents who favored him over his sister Monica. His father was a successful lawyer and his mother was a happy homemaker. He developed an intellectual curiosity and a love for learning at an early age. He also had high expectations and standards for himself and others that sometimes made him arrogant or insecure. He was popular at school for being smart and athletic.

Post-College Journey

Chandler and Ross’s college education influenced or shaped their career paths in different ways. Chandler’s degree in Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration helped him land a well-paying but boring job at a large corporation. He worked there for several years until he realized that he hated his job and wanted to do something more creative. He quit his job and became an advertising executive at a small agency, where he used his skills in data analysis, humor, and communication to create successful campaigns.

Ross’s degree in Paleontology helped him achieve his dream of becoming a professor at New York University. He worked there for many years until he became one of the leading experts in his field. He taught courses, conducted research, gave lectures, wrote books, and appeared on TV shows about dinosaurs and fossils. He used his knowledge, passion, and enthusiasm to educate others about paleontology.

Chandler and Ross also had some immediate jobs or projects post-graduation that were related or unrelated to their college education. Chandler worked as a waiter at a restaurant for a short time before he got his job as a data processor. He also briefly worked as an intern at a fashion magazine, where he met his future wife Monica. Ross worked as a museum curator for a while before he became a professor. He also briefly worked as a lecturer at the New York University of Minsk, where he met his future wife Emily.

Chandler and Ross also made some connections in college that affected their later life or work. Chandler met his best friend Ross in college and they remained close ever since. They also met Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe through Ross and became part of the Friends group. Chandler eventually married Monica and they adopted twins. Ross met his first wife Carol in college and they had a son named Ben. Ross also married and divorced Rachel, Emily, and Phoebe’s sister Ursula.

Impact and Significance

Chandler and Ross’s educational backgrounds are perceived differently in their fields. Chandler’s degree in Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration is not very relevant or respected in the advertising industry. He often jokes about how useless or obscure his major is. He once said that he was the only person in the world who does what he does. However, he also proves that he has talent and creativity that go beyond his degree. He impresses his boss and clients with his witty and catchy slogans and ideas.

Ross’s degree in Paleontology is very relevant and respected in the academic world. He is recognized as one of the top paleontologists in the country and has many publications and awards to his name. He once said that he was one of the few people who could do what he did. However, he also faces some challenges and criticisms that test his credibility and reputation. He sometimes makes mistakes or exaggerates his findings causing him to lose his job or get sued.

Chandler and Ross have also made some comments or reflections about their college years that show how they feel about their education. Chandler often expresses regret or dissatisfaction with his college major and wishes he had chosen something else. He once said that he wished he had gone to law school instead. Ross often expresses pride or satisfaction with his college major and thinks it was the best decision of his life. He once said that he loved paleontology more than anything else.

Interesting Anecdotes or Trivia

Chandler and Ross have some unique or less-known stories from their college years that reveal more about their personalities or experiences. Here are some examples:

  • Chandler once got drunk and slept with one of Ross’s ex-girlfriends, which caused a rift between them for a while.
  • Ross once tried to make Chandler laugh by putting a fake mustache on his face, but it turned out to be a permanent marker.
  • Chandler once pretended to be gay to get out of a date with a girl he didn’t like.
  • Ross once got high on brownies laced with marijuana and hallucinated that he was flying on a dinosaur.
  • Chandler once wrote a poem for a girl he liked, but she rejected him because she thought it was too cheesy.
  • Ross once dated a girl who turned out to be a lesbian.

Relevance to Today’s Students

Chandler and Ross’s college journeys can teach some lessons or takeaways for students aiming for similar fields or careers. Here are some suggestions:

  • If you are interested in Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration, you should know that it is a challenging but rewarding major that can open many doors for you in different industries. You should also know that it is not the only option for you if you want to pursue a creative career. You can always change your path or explore your passions later in life.
  • If you are interested in Paleontology, you should know that it is a fascinating but competitive field that requires a lot of dedication and hard work. You should also know that it is not the only thing that defines you as a person. You can always balance your professional and personal life and enjoy other aspects of life.
  • Whether you choose Statistical Analysis and Data Reconfiguration, Paleontology, or any other major, you should know that college is an opportunity to learn new things, meet new people, have fun, and grow as an individual. You should also know that college is not the end of your journey, but the beginning of it.


In this article, we have learned about where Chandler Bing and Ross Geller went to college and what they studied. We have also learned about their educational journeys, early life backgrounds, post-college journeys, impact and significance, interesting anecdotes or trivia, and relevance to today’s students. We hope you enjoyed reading this article and learned something new about these two beloved characters from Friends.