Where did Cara Gosselin go to college?

Where did Cara Gosselin go to college

Do you like watching reality TV shows? If you do, you might have heard of Cara Gosselin, one of the stars of the show Jon & Kate Plus 8. She is the eldest daughter of Jon and Kate Gosselin, who have eight children in total. She has a twin sister named Madelyn and six younger siblings who are sextuplets. In this article, we will find out where Cara Gosselin went to college and how her education influenced her life.

Name College Attended Degree(s) Earned Field of Study/Major Graduation Year
Cara Nicole Gosselin Fordham University Bachelor of Arts Undeclared 2023 (expected)

Educational Journey

Cara Gosselin attended Fordham University, a prestigious and selective private university in New York City. She enrolled in 2019, after graduating from Lancaster Country Day School, a private school in Pennsylvania. She has not declared her major yet, but she has expressed interest in journalism and psychology. She has also taken courses in history, literature, and philosophy. She is a good student who maintains a high GPA and earns honors and scholarships. She has also participated in extracurricular activities such as writing for the student newspaper, volunteering for a local charity, and joining a sorority. She has also made friends with other students from different backgrounds and cultures.

Early Life and Background

Cara Gosselin was born on October 8, 2000, in Hershey, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of Jon and Kate Gosselin, who are both of mixed ethnicity. Her father is of German, French, and Welsh descent, while her mother is of Korean, English, Scottish, and Irish descent. She has a twin sister named Madelyn, who is six minutes younger than her, and six younger siblings who are sextuplets: Aaden, Alexis, Collin, Hannah, Joel, and Leah. She grew up in front of the camera, as her family was featured in several reality TV shows such as Surviving Sextuplets and Twins, Jon & Kate Plus 8, and Kate Plus 8. She was exposed to fame and media attention from a young age, but she also faced challenges such as her parents’ divorce, her brother’s special needs, and her sister’s custody issues.

Post-College Journey

Cara Gosselin has not graduated from college yet, but she has already started to plan for her future. She hopes to pursue a career in journalism or psychology, or maybe both. She wants to use her skills and knowledge to inform and help others. She also wants to travel the world and learn new things. She has already visited several countries such as France, Italy, Australia, and Japan with her family and friends. She has also worked as an intern for a local magazine and an online platform during her summer breaks. She has also maintained contact with her family and friends from home through social media and video calls.

Impact and Significance

Cara Gosselin is one of the few reality TV stars who have pursued higher education. She is also one of the few celebrities who have a diverse background and identity. She is proud of her heritage and culture, but she also respects and appreciates other people’s differences. She is an inspiration for many young people who want to follow their dreams and achieve their goals. She has also shared her opinions and experiences on various topics such as family, relationships, mental health, and social issues.

Interesting Anecdotes or Trivia

Here are some interesting facts about Cara Gosselin’s college years:

  • She chose Fordham University because it was close to New York City, where she wanted to live and work.
  • She shares an apartment with her twin sister Madelyn, who attends New York University.
  • She loves reading books and watching movies in her spare time.
  • She is allergic to peanuts and shellfish.
  • She once met Oprah Winfrey at a book signing event.

Relevance to Today’s Students

Cara Gosselin’s college journey is a great example for students who want to balance their academic and personal lives. She shows that it is possible to enjoy college while also working hard and learning new things. She also shows that it is important to be open-minded and curious about the world around us. She encourages students to explore their interests and passions, as well as their identities and cultures.


In this article, we have learned about where Cara Gosselin went to college and how her education shaped her life. We have seen that she attended Fordham University, where she studied various subjects and participated in various activities. We have also learned about her early life and background, her post-college journey, her impact and significance, and some interesting anecdotes or trivia about her college years. We hope that this article has given you some insight into Cara Gosselin’s college journey and inspired you to pursue your own college education goals.